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Dress & Suit
촬영에 필요한 아기 의상은 촬영비에 포함되어 있습니다.
Baby outfits are included in the basic photography fee.
의상1벌+헤어 악세서리 1박2일 대여시 $20(GST included)
1 outfit set + hair accessories for 1 day rental fee is $20 (GST included)

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촬영에 필요한 아기 의상은 촬영비에 포함되어 있습니다.
Baby outfits are included in the basic photography fee.
의상1벌+헤어 악세서리 1박2일 대여시 $20(GST included)
1 outfit set + hair accessories for 1 day rental fee is $20 (GST included)