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Seung Hee(Sally), Lee



2008: M.F.A Glass Sculpture Dept. at Namseoul University

2006: B.F.A in Dept. of Environmental Art and Design, Namseoul University



2010~2011: Nubo glass Studio Manager

2009: Teaching at Beads Look Craft Institute

          Member of Korean Craft Council

2006,08~'09: Worked as a graduate assistant in Lampworking at Namseoul University

2005: Trained at ‘Centre Europeen de Recherche et de Formation aux Arts Verres' (CERFAV), Nancy city, France



Solo show

2011: ‘Memory Lane' Annabini Gallery, Seoul

2009: ‘Who am I?'  Kyun-In Gallery, Seoul


Selected Group Exhibition

2015: ‘Culturedays’, McKay Art Centre, Markham, Canada

          ‘Hybrid’, Jewel Envy, Toronto, Canada

2014: ‘Glass Now’, National Liberty Museum, Philadelphia, USA

          ‘Woman to Woman: Lunch in the Garden’, Toronto Botanical Garden, Toronto

2013: 'Of the Female Persuasian', OCC Guild Shop, Toronto, Canada

2011: ‘Fine Arts with Beauty and Purpose', Muju Anseong C.C Gallery Chae Um, Jeollabuk-do

          ‘Gho Bang', Gho Bang Gallery, Seoul

          ‘Billowing' 6th annual Red Clan Exhibition, Kyun-In Gallery, Seoul

2010: ‘Eunyu'Exhibition, SungBo Gallery, Seoul

          Korean Crafts Council Exhibition for New Member, Gallery Iang, Seoul

2009: Summer Accessory Wear, Gana Art Gallery, Seoul

2008: Craft Trend Fair ‘Light' Exhibition, COEX, Seoul

          9th annual Hyaeyum Exhibition, Gallery Iang, Seoul

2007: Five Senses of Digilog Age, Seoul Station, Seoul

          Animal Fantasy, Hana Art Gallery, Seoul

          7th annual A-ul Exhibition, Gana Art Space Gallery, Seoul   

2006: Culture and Tourism Exhibition, Gallery Ssamzie, Seoul

2005: Special Glass Art Exhibition, Seoul National Science Museum, Seoul

2004: Summer Decoration offering Exhibition, Mee-Ah Hyundai Department Store, Buchoen

          Story of colored glass, KEPCO Art Center, Seoul

2003: Participated in 2nd annual ‘Crudity' Exhibition, Stone and Water Gallery, Anyang


Prizes & Awards:

2008: First prize winner at the 10th annual ‘Chungcheongnam-do Crafts & Cultural Goods' competition

2007: Prize winner at Silver Accessories Contest - Competed at the Art Clay World Competition hosted in Japan

"Encouraging" Prize winner in Art Clay World Competition hosted in Korea

2005: Prize winner at 10th annual Haengjoo Art Competition

2004: Prize winner at 2nd annual Swarovski Small Ornament Competition

          Prize winner at 9th annual Sosaboel Art Competition.

2003: Prize winner at 1st annual Swarovski Small Ornament Competition

Basic info &  
Important notices

* 컨셉에 들어가는 디테일한 소품이나 의상은 샘플사진과 다를수 있습니다. 꼭 원하시는 의상이나 소품이 있으면 미리 말씀해주세요.

   Props and cloths may change without notice, please let me know if you have specific props that you want me to prepare.

* 뉴마켓 Upper Canada mall 기준에서 60km이하는 $50, 60-80km 사이는 $70 추가 그 이상은 $100 추가 출장비가 있습니다.​

   There are traveling charge of $50 for less than 60km from the Newmarket Upper Canada mall, $70 between 60-80km distance,

    and $100 when more than 80km.

* 촬영시 일어날수 있는 모든 안전과 관련된 사항은 각자의 책임 임으로  주의해야할 사항이 있다면(알러지등등) 미리 고지


   All safety matters are your own responsibility. Please let me know if there are any special notices about safety and

   health (allergy etc.) concerns.

* 모든 사진은 고화질 JPG파일로 제공해드리며 인화는 따로해드리지 않습니다. 

   I will give you high resolution JPG files. I do not give any prints, so you will have to print them on your end if you desire prints.

* 촬영 인원에 따른  추가비용 없습니다.

   I don't charge for additional people who want to take photoshoot together.

* 구글 후기 or 인스타그램 테그 등으로 후기 남겨주시면 2장 서비스보정 추가로 해드립니다. (보정본 받고 남겨주시면 됩니다.)

  If you leave good review in my Instagram ID hashtag on your Instagram or Google business page review and give 5 stars, I will 

  give you 2 free edits.( you can do it after you got the all edited images)

* 추가보정비는 장당 25불 3장이상 추가시 장상 20불 입니다.

   An additional edit is $25. (If you want more than 3 image edits, I can give you a discount)

* 야외소품 셋팅시 관리비 차원에서 30불 추가

  Special outdoor prop setting $30 extra
* 출장 촬영시  기본 3가지 컨셉 고르실 수 있으며 추가 컨셉당 $10~30(소품이나 의상에 따라 가격 차등) 추가비가 있습니다.

  (스튜디오 촬영시엔 추가비 없이 추가 컨셉 준비 가능)

  Extra concept per $10~30 (depending props and cloths). If you take photos in the studio, no additional charge. 

* 두번째 촬영 이후부터 매 촬영마다 발생하는 추가 비용에 대해 $30 할인 혜택 드립니다. (추가 비용이 없는 세션의 경우 가격할인 대신 1장 추가 보정 해드립니다.

From your second regular session, I will offer a $30 discount on additional options, such as a dol or 100days table decor, adult hanbok, sibling hanbok, or traveling fees. If there are no additional options when you book next session, I will provide one additional edit photo worth $25.
* 구글후기와 인스타에 테그( #maysecond_photograph ) 남겨 주시면 2장 추가 보정 해드립니다.(보정본 받고 나중에 남겨주셔도 됩니다)

 If you leave good review in my Instagram ID hashtag( #maysecond_photograph )  on your Instagram or Google business page review and give 5 stars, I will give you 2 free edits.( you can do it after you got the all edited images)
* 추천 받으신분 성함 알려주시면 두 분 모두에게 한 장 서비스 보정 혜택

if you’re referred for a session, you’ll get 1 extra edit. If you then refer someone else, you’ll earn an additional edit—bringing your total to two extra edits.
* 한 명 추천 해주실 때마다 한 장 서비스 보정 해드리며 추천인 추가 보정은 한 세션당 최대 2장 까지 입니다. (후기 서비스 추가보정은 제외)

The referral program allows for a maximum of two additional photo edits per session. (Please note that this excludes 2 free edits earned through reviews. )


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